I was born in 1977, in Sao Paolo, Brasil. I studied in the National School of Buenos Aires and later I got a degree as Movie producer in the National School for Film Experimentation and Production.
In 2005, I founded my own Producing Company BASTIANA FILMS, where I produced many internationally acclaimed movies (Sophía turned 100, The farm, Allowed, Alma) and tv shows for Paka-Paka, National Geographic and the Public TV Channel.
I also taught at the E.N.E.R.C. between 2014 and 2017. In 2017 I started writing and won the first prize in the Manuel Mujica Láinez Literary Award (2017). The short story was published by NOTANPUAN.
I wrote for Atletas ( and published a short story in La Agenda.
At the present, I am finishing a book of short stories that will soon become a book.
In 2018, I set up, with my partner Violeta Noetinger, Ralenti, our first very own publishing company.